Issue 32 of 3×3, the Magazine of Contemporary Illustration is out and I was honored to interview and write the ICON profile of illustrator Jason Holley. Here is my opening paragraph:
“Mutate, evolve, destroy, rebuild, repeat.” This mantra, from an Instagram post about a drawing class he teaches at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, encapsulates Jason Holley’s approach to image-making. “I have never found anything particularly appealing about perfection,” he says. “In fact, I think I have a hefty amount of distrust for the whole concept.” Like the illustrative equivalent of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Jason’s paintings can appear to be coming into being while simultaneously falling apart. It is as if each painting, regardless of its subject matter, surreptitiously alludes to the cycle of life. When I ask about the recurring themes of disintegration and decay in his work, Jason pivots. “It’s more than a visual theme—its physical reality, and it’s happening right now to all of us together at the same time. And I think it’s kind of beautiful.”
Read the entire profile (as well as prior articles) under Design is Play Articles. [MF]
Image courtesy of Jason Holley.