Out now! My profile of illustrator Hudson Christie in Issue 27 of 3×3 Magazine. Here is an excerpt:
In conversation, Hudson Chrisite laughs easily, and often. He is amused by incongruity in art and film, and finds unintentional flaws especially endearing. “It’s why the original Star Wars trilogy—before George Lucas got his hands on CG and went back and “‘fixed” it—is a lot more fun to look at. Because you can see the seams,” he says. All of which may help explain Hudson’s aesthetic—what might be termed “blobular affability.”
This playful, childlike quality seems instantly familiar—perhaps because all of us at one time or another have had the experience of squeezing a handful of modeling clay or Play-Doh. The immediacy and accessibility of this visual language is one of its strengths: it is difficult to not be charmed by Hudson’s work.
Read the entire profile (as well as prior articles) under Design is Play Articles. [MF]